go 时间的操作(比较,增加)
获取 格式化:
func main() { fmt.Println(time.Now()) fmt.Println(time.Now().Local()) fmt.Println("--------------") ////////////////////////////// currentTime := time.Now().Local() newFormat := currentTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000") fmt.Println(newFormat) fmt.Println("--------------") myTime := time.Date(2018, time.December, 17, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC) myTime1 := time.Date(2018, time.December, 17, 23, 59, 59, 999, time.UTC) fmt.Println("MyTime:", myTime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000")) fmt.Println("--------------") if myTime==myTime1 { fmt.Println("=======") }
import "strings" func main() { // Add 时间相加 now := time.Now() // ParseDuration parses a duration string. // A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, // each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, // such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". // Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "?s"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". // 10分钟前 m, _ := time.ParseDuration("-1m") fmt.Println(m) m1 := now.Add(m) fmt.Println(m1) fmt.Println("----------------------------") // 8个小时前 h, _ := time.ParseDuration("-1h") h1 := now.Add(8 * h) fmt.Println(h1) fmt.Println("----------------------------") // 一天前 d, _ := time.ParseDuration("-24h") d1 := now.Add(d) fmt.Println(d1) fmt.Println("----------------------------") printSplit(50) fmt.Println("----------------------------") // 10分钟后 mm, _ := time.ParseDuration("1m") mm1 := now.Add(mm) fmt.Println(mm1) fmt.Println("----------------------------") // 8小时后 hh, _ := time.ParseDuration("1h") hh1 := now.Add(hh) fmt.Println(hh1) fmt.Println("----------------------------") // 一天后 dd, _ := time.ParseDuration("24h") dd1 := now.Add(dd) fmt.Println(dd1) printSplit(50) fmt.Println("----------------------------") // Sub 计算两个时间差 subM := now.Sub(m1) fmt.Println(subM.Minutes(), "分钟") fmt.Println("----------------------------") sumH := now.Sub(h1) fmt.Println(sumH.Hours(), "小时") fmt.Println("----------------------------") sumD := now.Sub(d1) fmt.Printf("%v 天\n", sumD.Hours()/24) } func printSplit(count int) { fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("#", count)) }
func main() { format := "2006-01-02 15:04:05" now := time.Now() //now, _ := time.Parse(format, time.Now().Format(format)) a, _ := time.Parse(format, "2019-03-10 11:00:00") b, _ := time.Parse(format, "2015-03-10 16:00:00") fmt.Println("now:",now.Format(format), "\na:",a.Format(format),"\nb:", b.Format(format)) fmt.Println("--- a > now > b -----------") fmt.Println("now a After: ",now.After(a)) fmt.Println("now a Before:",now.Before(a)) fmt.Println("now b After:",now.After(b)) fmt.Println("now b Before:",now.Before(b)) fmt.Println("a b After:",a.After(b)) fmt.Println("a b Before:",a.Before(b)) fmt.Println(now.Format(format), a.Format(format), b.Format(format)) fmt.Println(now.Unix(), a.Unix(), b.Unix()) }